


2024-08-15 10:09:20

「2017香港国际毛皮时装展览会」圆满结束市场出现回暖生意跃升逾两成主要市场活跃时尚产品受追捧 全球最大毛皮业贸易平台「2017香港国际毛皮时装展览会」于2月18日圆满结束。今届展览会期间接获订单共1.39亿美元,与去年相比增幅逾两成。是次展览会反映全球毛皮业今年开始回暖,呈V型反弹。买家多追求时尚潮流产品,有利一向走创意路线的香港毛皮业界。 [attach]9337533[/attach] 报告显示,展览会成绩比预期表现理想,重要市场如俄罗斯及东欧客户回复信心,展会气氛极佳。海外参展商收获甚丰,生意额升。整体市场表现不俗,各市场的订单大部份较去年上升。 [attach]9337534[/attach] 香港毛皮业协会会长孙绍曾先生表示,现时美国大选已定,卢布及油价回升,令俄罗斯买家信心大增,出席展会人数跃升。此外,去年美国、欧洲、日本等地都经历寒冬,不少买家已去清存货,欲在展会为来季补充新货。 [attach]9337535[/attach] 他续称,市道刚刚复苏,买家仍未敢「放肆」,倾向选购多元化款式,但每款批量减少。他料,今年生意额及出口量均会如大市般攀升约两成。他解释去年毛皮市道疲弱,令生意处于谷底,美国大选、俄罗斯经济下滑,加上前年多国冬天偏暖等因素,令买家延迟订货,去年本港毛皮成衣出口数量跌了3成、出口总值亦跌28%。 [attach]9337536[/attach] 香港毛皮业协会副会长黄友辉先生也对后市表示乐观,他表示较昂贵的紫貂毛皮销量比去年升3至4成。因去年很多国家都受寒冬侵袭,迅速消化存货,部分买家有需要补充存货量,而且俄罗斯汇率已喘定,故买家意欲亦有改善,采购预算较去年倍增。预料今年将是「V字反弹」,乐观估计生意额可跃升3成。 [attach]9337537[/attach] 他又注意到皮草潮流的新趋势,主要市场如俄罗斯、东欧、美国、日本等今年表现活跃,买家当中有不少为新客户,而且所选购的并非传统款式,而是较时尚的产品,如短外套、运动型便服等,显示毛皮市场不断扩阔。 [attach]9337538[/attach] 他续称,内地市场庞大,而且消费者品味多元化,很多买家都希望寻找一些特别的款式,以应消费者需求,香港市场在这方面拥有绝对优势,因为香港皮草商一向专注于创意设计和开发高端产品,深受不同市场买家欢迎。 香港毛皮业协会理事艾礼添先生表示,前年是艰难的一年,业界面对存货过盛的问题,过去十二个月是恢复期,今年则是乐观的一年。他又表示,最近轻巧的长毛皮草较受市场欢迎,在此消彼长的情况下,令短毛皮草价钱有所回落,但随着市场复苏,经济环境改善,预料其价钱将于9月回升5成。 「2017香港国际毛皮时装展览会」共有来自13个国家的210家参展商参与,今年参展摊位共580个,展示的产品为业界带来崭新意念,吸引了来自30多个国家超过4,200位买家到场参观采购,是全球最大规模的业界盛事。此年度展览会汇聚全球领导市场的毛皮制造商以及来自各国的买家,是采购优质毛皮产品的最佳贸易平台。 * * * 2017Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair20%Growth in Sales Shows Signs of Turnaround in MarketMajormarkets grow, fashionable items in high demand The 2017 Hong Kong International Fur andFashion Fair, world’s largest global fur trading platform, drew to a close on18 February. The Fair concluded with US$139 million of confirmed orders, agrowth of 20% over last year. The Fair witnessed a turnaround in this year’sglobal fur market, with a sharp rebound in demand. Product popularity hasshifted to favor fashionable items, a positive sign for the always creativeHong Kong fur industry. Exhibitors reflected that business wasabove expectation, all markets recorded a growth comparing with last year. Theexhibitors from overseas were particularly pleased with the result. Some ofthem generated multiple business increase and had indeed enjoyed a rewardingFair in Hong Kong. Mr. Henry Sun, Chairman of the Hong Kong FurFederation (HKFF) says that the increase in Russian buyers this year isattributed to the rise of the rubles and oil price after the US presidentialelection. Cold weather in the USA, Europe and Japan last year has helped toclear local inventories and so buyers need to replenish stock in thisexhibition. However, buyers are still cautious as themarket is just beginning to rebound, Mr. Sun adds, and buyers tend to buy morevarieties but in lower volumes. He expects that turnover and export volume thisyear will rise approximately 20%, following the market trend. Mr. Sun explainsthat last year was the worst time for the fur industry, with negative factorslike US election, poor Russian economy, warm winter in many countries etc.delaying orders from buyers and resulting in a drop of 30% in export volume and28% in export value. Mr. Wong Yau Fai, Vice-Chairman of HKFF, isalso optimistic about upcoming business. He says that there is 30-40%year-on-year increase in the sales of sable, a relatively high priced type offur. He sees higher desire to purchase owing to a number of reasons: coldwinter, diminishing stock level and the rubles exchange rate. Some buyers evendoubled their orders. He believes this year will see a sharprebound from the all-time low of theprevious year, with business expected to surgeat least 30%. Mr. Wong further comments on the fur trend.The major markets such as Russia, Eastern Europe, US and Japan are very activeand there are plenty of new buyers whose preference differs from traditionalstyles. They favor fashionable items like short jackets and sporty casual wear,showing that the fur market is constantly developing. The mainland market is so large and diversethat many buyers wish to look for something special, a favorable condition forHong Kong fur manufacturers who have always been strong in creative design andhigh-end product development, he adds. According to Mr. Timothy Everest, Directorof HKFF, the fur industry has experienced a difficult 2015 caused by high stocklevel. While 2016 was a year of recovery, he is optimistic about 2017. Mr.Everest remarks that with the growing interest in longer-haired products whichare relatively lighter, prices of shorter-haired fur dropped but it is expectedto rebound 50% by September. The 2017 Hong Kong International Fur &Fashion Fair housed 580 exhibition booths, with 210 exhibitors from 13countries showcasing fabulous products and exchanging innovative ideas. Theexhibition brought together market-leading furriers and major fur buyers fromall over the world and is recognized as the world’s most important fur tradingplatform. It attracted more than 4,200 buyers from over 30 countries this year. * * * 香港毛皮业协会于一九七九年成立,其宗旨为促进本港毛皮业的发展及统筹业内各项活动。现时本港毛皮业采用之原料大部份均来自北欧、美国、加拿大等国家之现代化养殖场;野生毛皮之来源均来自过剩的动物,具有积极维持生态平衡的作用。而业内人士更与各地政府紧密合作,以确保被采用之毛皮并不属于濒危的野生动物。

