

2018武汉设计工程学院毕业作品发布会 ——“伊行”

2024-08-19 12:56:03

2018武汉设计工程学院毕业作品发布会“伊行” 2018年5月13日13时,武汉设计工程学院艺术设计学院Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences服装设计系毕业生作品发布会在北京751D•PARK第一车间隆重举行。陈博辉《雪霁》陈棽丽《kaleidoscope WHU》方淑琴《brume》韩燕珊《椿芽》郝霄霄《Reborn》江南雨《Default》李嘉欣《原素》李联洲《1911》李胜《流浪记》刘亚琪《分解》宋洁明《初意》王启卉《副作用》魏漫琦《铁貅》吴戴源《TULIP》吴越《Laurence》徐昕杰、胡泽慧《尘宵》杨晨晨《Limerence》杨洋《错置》 武汉设计工程学院(原名为湖北美术学院艺术设计学院、华中农业大学楚天学院)成立于2004年。2015年经教育部批准转设更名为武汉设计工程学院,2016年获批参照独立设置的本科艺术院校进行招生,基于特殊历史发展轨迹,学校秉承了“百年学府”华中农业大学办学经验的深厚积淀和严谨、朴实的治学精神,兼收并蓄湖北美术学院“敏行致美”独特的办学文化,已发展为一所以“设计和工程”为特色的本科院校。 学校目前开设有31个本科专业和5个专科专业,形成影视传媒类、艺术设计类、环境设计类、食品生物类、经济管理类、信息技术类六大学科专业集群,专业覆盖艺、工、文、经、管、农等6大学科门类。学校按照专业集群化发展思路,推进学科专业间交叉、渗透、融合,不断加强学科专业内涵建设,1个学科获批省级重点(培育)学科,1个专业获批“湖北省专业综合改革试点项目”,2个专业获批“湖北省战略性新兴(支柱)产业人才培养计划项目”。尹雄博《LIFF IS HARD》赵梓蕴《Trap中国》周嘉玉《PicNic》 学校积极开展国际合作与交流,与法国、意大利等国家的多所大学建立了良好的教育合作和学术交流关系,与韩国韩瑞大学结为姊妹学校,先后选派交换生、留学生等近500人。与北京、上海等地知名文化、教育机构建立了合作关系,与耀莱集团合作,开设定向培养班;与德稻教育合作,开设“WIDS•德稻大师班”,由国际行业大师领衔,培养具有国际视野和创新精神的实战型、复合型行业高端人才。 本次发布会主题为“伊行”,为去年主题“伊始”之延续,乃怀揣“伊始”初心的“行者”,又为行者们初心未改的砥砺前行。“伊行”又接“衣之行”,寓意时尚风行、时尚新锐之初心铭记。“伊行”乃是我们立足当下,诠释创新,传递时尚,用鲜明的设计定位,以别具一格的创意表达,承引潮流的文化符号,凝结、汇聚、再现的设计之作。 此次专场发布我校精挑了60余套男装主打作品参展,充分展现了学生们广泛多元的创意来源,对地域文化、现代生活方式、社会现象、青年思想、趣味符号等题材进行了深入的思考和设计表达。特别是在服装类别上充分与武汉的服装行业市场相结合,以武汉汉正街的品牌男装开发为主题,进行不同风格及定位的系列男装设计。作品的色彩设计在充分考虑流行趋势的同时,注重不同材质所传达的色彩差异及感受;面料在强调质感的同时,还大胆搭配使用个性、潮流的非服用材料;廓形结构在强调功能和美观结合的同时,还注重剪裁及工艺的科学性。所有作品在倡导关注生活,表现时代的理念下,引导学生如何将传统文化的精神在现代生活与审美标准中找到融合。 尚坤塬•2018中国国际大学生时装周是我校学子们设计生涯的第一个国际化舞台,他们用智慧与创意凝结成多样独特的设计作品,千姿百态的服装视觉形象充分反映了学生们对于当代社会文化和生活方式的独立思考。2018 Final Work Presentation of Wuhan Institute of Design and Engineering"Tour of Beauty"The Final Work Presentation of Wuhan Institute of Design and Engineering's School of Art and Design was grandly convened in the Workshop of Beijing 751D•PARK at 13:00 on May 13th, 2018.The theme of the release is the "Tour of Beauty", which is the continuation of last year's topic "Initiation of Beauty". It stands for the "practitioners" with the original spirit of "initiation" as well as their unwavering perseverance to forge ahead. The "Tour of Beauty" is also homophonic to the "Tour of Dress" in Chinese, which implies the trend of fashion as well as the original intention of fashion. The "Tour of Beauty" requires us to live for today, interpret innovation, hand down fashion, condense, assemble and reflect design with distinctive design positioning, unique creative expression as well as cultural symbols that carry down fashion trend.Our college exquisitely selected over 60 men's wears as main works for the presentation, which not only sufficiently demonstrated student's extensive and diversified sources of creation, but also conducted profound reflection and designing expression with respect to regional culture, modern lifestyle, social phenomenon, thoughts of the young as well as symbols of interest, etc. What's worth specific mentioning is the clothing category sufficiently conforms to the fashion industry and market of Wuhan. The presented works constitute designs for men's wears of various styles and positioning themed of brands on Hanzheng Street of Wuhan. With respect to the design of color, students laid stress upon the color difference and perception in various materials while taking into consideration the fashion trend; in terms of material, designers daringly allocated individual and trendy non-apparel trendy materials with the emphasis in texture; the integration of function and beauty is of equal importance with scientific clipping and techniques with regard to outline and structure. All works lead the students to integrate traditional cultural spirits with modern life and aesthetic standards under the concept of paying attention to life and expressing the epoch.

2018武汉设计工程学院毕业作品发布会 ——“伊行”
